Monday, January 9, 2012

Beware! Where The Risk Of Suicide

The use of antidepressants and the risk of autism in infants under the age of 24, three times the risk of a serious proportion. adolescents committed suicide.
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, organized by the Association of the 4th National Congress of Psychopharmacology is an American psychology expert to participate in Antalya to Prof. Dr. Irving Kirsch, three times the risk of the use of antidepressants during pregnancy and in infants under the age of 24, autism junior
argued that the risk of serious contagious level of suicide.Released in 2008 in the United States, the Emperor's New Drugs: Antidepressants ' Disprove ' the impact of the earthquake that created the world of medicine with Mitini Prof. Dr. Irving Kirsch, organized by the Association of Psychopharmacology, 4th came to participate in the National Congress of Psychopharmacology to Antalya. Participating in the Congress held in Belek, Antalya's tourism in the municipality of Prof. Dr. Kirsch, recently, the resulting ' antidepressant and explained his views on suicide risk '. "Antidepressants adolescents, especially in very serious proportion under the age of 24 suicide increases the risk of" Prof. Dr. Irving Kirsch, might interfere with the risk of suicide in some countries, antidepressant drugs in the direction of the noted that alerts the prospectus.
Prof. Dr. Irving Kirsch, antidepressant use also poses that make people dependent on the bağımlılılık and antidepresana. Prof. Dr. Kirsch, "to which antidepresanları after the Treatment period of depression that appears on the prospect of 3-5 weeks is very high," he said.
Prof. Dr. Kirsch, treatment for "doesn't necessarily help" I suggested that instead of physical exercise, antidepressant. Physical exercise three times a week at the same rate in the short term, long term antidepresanlarla antidepresanlardan stating that the better results, Prof. Dr. Kirsch resumed work after the treatment of depression that appears that physically, he said. The prolongation is an option in the treatment of Irving Kirsch, which Prof., medicine is the use of acupuncture and meditation also try one of the most noted that as a last resort.
By Kristen

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