A portion of the health problems associated with using a computer, a portion of the electromagnetic field generated by computer screens, is also due to the job property. In front of the computer while it is often still repeated constantly in a position to certain transactions. This situation constitutes a risk to the EAC. Symptoms of mild pain severe causing EAC level can lead to difficulty, the function is different. In
the early period pains appeared tired and began to leave the job, I got lost in the middle period pains occur immediately after the job. During the rest of the next period pains are processes, light-weight, even if barely.Computer users are exposed to other harmful factors of electromagnetic waves. Screens to the surface of the human body formed by electromagnetic fields, airborne particles and creates a electrification (electromagnetic fields on the screen on the front of the screen, further decreases rapidly, while at least, on the sides and behind than level).Environmental risk factors for the EAC, collected into three groups, including the physical and spiritual. Physical risk factors; the use of excessive muscle power for a long time in front of the computer that is not the appropriate stance format, while in search of spiritual risk factors without work; the sense of excessive workload, stress, negative work environment relationships. Environmental factors include noise, room temperature, humidity, lighting and the environment are features of those tools that are available.
By Kristen
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